First NameJean-Paul
Last NameClose
What is the name of your organization?AiREAS
What best describes the type of organisation that you are representing?Other
Type of organization – OtherMultidisciplinary cooperative
Where are you based?Klaverhoekseweg 12, Best, 5681 PX, NL
What is the name of your initiative?AiREAS
How would you describe the main mission of your initiative?Other
Please provide a short description of your initiative (What is being done? Who is participating? What are your main goals?) This text will appear on the main page.We measure at different levels, we educate in schools, have master program in high school, help institutions to 4 x WIN, do multiple areas of research (airport, city, rural, etc). Involved are 21 municipalities, citizens groupings, universities, high schools, primary schools, technological supplies, entrepreneurs, province, health authorities, etc. Main goal: shared responsibility for health and a healthy environment.
Who is your main audience?• Citizens
• Schools
• Cities
• Universities and/or research institutes
• Other
If possible, provide the list of partners involved in the initiative.City of Eindhoven, Province North Brabant, ODZOB, TNO, GGD, Fontys, TU-e, Iras, University Twenty, Intemo, Vtec, 21 municipalities, RIVM, etc. etc.
How is this initiative funded?Other
Please provide an estimation of the total budget of the initiative (in €):1 million – 5 million
What is the duration of the initiative?Less than a month
How many participants (citizen scientists, volunteers, etc.) have been involved (approximately)?1000 – 5000
Website that presents your initiative
Please upload a picture to illustrate your initiative
Are you using a platform for data visualisation?Yes, we connect to an information data viewer provided by a third party (GIS, digital twin, …)