Nov 17, 2022


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First NameJean-Paul

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What is the name of your organization?AiREAS


What best describes the type of organisation that you are representing?Other

Type of organization – OtherMultidisciplinary cooperative

Where are you based?Klaverhoekseweg 12, Best, 5681 PX, NL

Name of the equipment
The number of these devices used in your initiative (estimation):
  • Innovative sensor: we have created the device
Measured parameter (you can select several)
  • PM1
  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • NO2
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • UFPs (Ultrafine particles)
Communication type
  • 2G-3G
Energy type
  • Regular power plug
Temporal resolution
10 seconds
Where are you measuring air quality?
Device’s location
  • Street – public domain
Level of expertise required to operate
It takes some advanced skills – digital native
What is the approximate market price per unit?
Name of the equipment
The number of these devices used in your initiative (estimation):
  • Commercial product
Measured parameter (you can select several)
  • PM1
  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • NO2
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • O3
  • Noise
Communication type
  • 2G-3G
Energy type
  • Regular power plug
Temporal resolution
10 second
Where are you measuring air quality?
Device’s location
  • Street – public domain
  • Street – private domain
Level of expertise required to operate
Simple if you take the time to read the documentation
What is the approximate market price per unit?
Are there any other costs related to this equipment?
Name of the equipment
Low cost
The number of these devices used in your initiative (estimation):
  • DIY product – we bought parts
Measured parameter (you can select several)
  • PM2.5
  • PM10
Communication type
  • Wifi
Energy type
  • USB
Temporal resolution
10 seconds
Where are you measuring air quality?
Device’s location
  • Street – private domain
Level of expertise required to operate
It takes some advanced skills – digital native
What is the approximate market price per unit?

What is the name of your initiative?AiREAS

How would you describe the main mission of your initiative?Other

Please provide a short description of your initiative (What is being done? Who is participating? What are your main goals?) This text will appear on the main page.We measure at different levels, we educate in schools, have master program in high school, help institutions to 4 x WIN, do multiple areas of research (airport, city, rural, etc). Involved are 21 municipalities, citizens groupings, universities, high schools, primary schools, technological supplies, entrepreneurs, province, health authorities, etc. Main goal: shared responsibility for health and a healthy environment.

Who is your main audience?• Citizens
• Schools
• Cities
• Universities and/or research institutes
• Other

If possible, provide the list of partners involved in the initiative.City of Eindhoven, Province North Brabant, ODZOB, TNO, GGD, Fontys, TU-e, Iras, University Twenty, Intemo, Vtec, 21 municipalities, RIVM, etc. etc.

How is this initiative funded?Other

Please provide an estimation of the total budget of the initiative (in €):1 million – 5 million

What is the duration of the initiative?Less than a month

How many participants (citizen scientists, volunteers, etc.) have been involved (approximately)?1000 – 5000

Website that presents your initiative

Please upload a picture to illustrate your initiative

Are you using a platform for data visualisation?Yes, we connect to an information data viewer provided by a third party (GIS, digital twin, …)

Other Initiatives

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Co-Designing Inclusive Mobility: CoMobility

Location: Warszawa, Poland

Description: In CoMobility, we measured PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and noise in three elementary schools in Warsaw, Poland as well as conducted a series of co-creation workshops, where young experts (2nd and 3rd grade pupils) collaborated with adult experts to enhance more sustainable mobility solutions and reduce the use of private cars in their schools neighbourhoods. Among the co-created and implemented solutions are bicycle road maps, street art, children gazette, and single actions such as children manifestations or mime performances.

List of parameters measured: PM2.5, PM10, NO2, Temperature, O3, Humidity, Noise

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Description: URBANITY is a research project looking at opportunities to use smart technology to monitor pollution and traffic in Norwegian cities. The aim is to provide the municipality and its citizens with better information about pollution and traffic where they live.

List of parameters measured: PM1, PM2.5, PM10, Temperature, Humidity, Other

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NordicPATH, a project about Nordic participatory, healthy, and people-centered cities.

Location: Kjeller, Norway

Description: NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens' participation and collaborative planning in the Nordic countries focused on urban air quality and the interlinked challenge of climate change. The project focuses on strategies to engage citizens in the process of socio-technological change required by planners and designers to provide the built environment and the services that will shape future sustainable cities with a human-centered approach.

List of parameters measured: PM1, PM2.5, PM10, NO2, Temperature, Humidity

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