First NameÓscar
Last NameGonzález Fernández
What is the name of your organization?Fab Lab Barcelona
What best describes the type of organisation that you are representing?Other
Type of organization – OtherNon profit educational center
Where are you based?Pujades 102,, Barcelona, Catalonia 08005, ES
What is the name of your initiative?Smart Citizen
How would you describe the main mission of your initiative?Measure/monitor air quality, Raise awareness/education, Commercialize air quality sensors
Please provide a short description of your initiative (What is being done? Who is participating? What are your main goals?) This text will appear on the main page.Smart Citizen empowers communities to better understand their environment by collecting, understanding, and sharing environmental data. It provides tools at different technical levels for raising awareness, and creating empowerment through environmental data. The Smart Citizen sensor portfolio aims to create a boilerplate for individuals and communities with different sensing expertise levels in a modular, expandable and intuitive way.
Who is your main audience?Citizen, Schools, Other
Audience – OtherUniversities and research institutions
How is this initiative funded?Other
Please provide an estimation of the total budget of the initiative (in €):100 000€ to 500 000€
How many participants (citizen scientists, volunteers, etc.) have been involved (approximately)?500 – 1000
Website that presents your initiative
Please upload a picture to illustrate your initiative
Are you using a platform for data visualisation?Yes, we have created our own
Add the public URL (if any)
Is your platform open source?Yes
Are you providing open data?Yes
How is the data made accessible?Export (csv, geojson..), API
How is the data made accessible? – OtherInternal project at Fab Lab Barcelona (IAAC)
If any, what qualitative or quantitative indicators (e.g., AQI, alerts…) are you calculating?Data is left as is, and only alerts are for user to know if the device has stopped publishing (low battery or no connection)
How frequently is the data refreshed in the data platform?5 minutes
How long does it take before the newest data is available on your platform?Inmediately for data that doesn’t need processing. Processed data is available after 1 hour
Do you give access to historical data?Yes
If possible, please share a link to your data privacy policy:Yes, email is used only for user creation, but no other uses nor data is collected (
What type of data visualisation do you provide?Statistics / Indicators / Charts, Map
Data visualization – OtherOpen source data analysis package (coding skills required)
Would you like to share with us any additional information? (Max 300 words)Technical barriers, purpose, sense of community, data reliability.
Onboarding Communities to the IoT.
Research and development of sensors and data processing flows.