36 Monitor meaningful policy or governance changes through internal tracking mechanisms and direct monitoring by the parties involved, including political decision-makers and citizen scientists, as they are often the best judges of what counts as meaningful change. Do not over-standardise impact monitoring and evaluation approaches but keep processes flexible and adapt evaluation strategies to projects based on their unique characteristics. B P 44 45 Behaviour Policy C Cities Citizen Science CS B CS P Demonstrate the added value of citizen science for specific environmental issues (e.g., through a mechanism for tracking successes, cost-benefit analysis, open discussions on failures, and reward mechanisms such as prizes) to involve policy-makers. 43 Measuring success in Brenta-BacchiglioneCitizens Observatory CS P CS P C Example 10: Measuring success in Brenta-Bacchiglione Citizens Observatory Before the pilot case of Brenta-Bacchiglione Citizens Observatory in WeSenseIt, flood risk management practices in the catchment were predominantly structural measures. However, during the WeSenseIt pilot, the value of the initiative for improving early warning systems, models and on-the-ground flood risk management practices was demonstrated. This triggered a change in the official Flood Risk Management Plan (PGRA) of the Brenta-Bacchiglione catchment: citizen science initiatives were included as an official prevention measure to reduce the flood risk in the Brenta-Bacchiglione catchment. A cost-benefit analysis and risk assessments by AAWA showed the substantial monetary benefit from running the Brenta-Bacchiglione Citizens Observatory for flood risk management in the catchment. See the full project