Before the pilot case of Brenta-Bacchiglione Citizens Observatory in WeSenseIt, flood risk management practices in the catchment were predominantly structural measures. However, during the WeSenseIt pilot, the value of the initiative for improving early warning systems, models and on-the-ground flood risk management practices was demonstrated. This triggered a change in the official Flood Risk Management Plan (PGRA) of the Brenta-Bacchiglione catchment: citizen science initiatives were included as an official prevention measure to reduce the flood risk in the Brenta-Bacchiglione catchment. A cost-benefit analysis and risk assessments by AAWA showed the substantial monetary benefit from running the Brenta-Bacchiglione Citizens Observatory for flood risk management in the catchment. This amounts to approximately €137 million of damage avoided per year, which equals avoided damage of 45 % as compared to a ‘business as usual ’scenario. Both monetary and social benefits of this initiative convinced the Ministry of the Environment to fund the development of a scaled-up citizen science initiative at the district level. The case of Brenta- Bacchiglione Citizens Observatory is among the few cases with a tangible, and already materialised, policy impact. This case has been identified by the European Commission as a ‘good practice’ for the implementation of the Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and specific local measures as a part of the PGRA. 68 Visit the project website