23 Teamwork and collaboration ability Communication with project team members in a timely manner Help each other out Cooperation to complete tasks Organisation and coordination ability Harmonious coexistence Identifying relevant social, political, and economic stakeholders in one’s own community and region First aid skills in the wild Using motor vehicles Dealing with tough conditions Ability to avoid dangerous species Community management skills Generic communication skills Generic project management skills Creativity Adaptability skills Enhance knowledge and skills through trainings Skills to provide training Example 5: Enhance knowledge and skills through trainings A study researching more than 48 biodiversity citizen science projects in Europe and Australia suggested that participating in training throughout the project was positively associated with participants’ perceived gains in knowledge and skills. Other important elements were the information they received from the project, the interaction they had with other participants, project staff, and scientists, and the feedback and recognition they received from the project. The eu-citizen.science Training Platform offers a variety of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and training material. See the full project