51 The format of communication needs to match the target audience. For example, visualisations can ensure scientific content is comprehensible for a large target audience and potentially incentivise further engagement. Organise events with the aim of knowledge sharing and peer learning. Think of possibilities for providing feedback and interactive communication among actors involved. Emphasise and foster the value of citizen science by demonstrating the value of citizen-generated data using scientifically sound methods and communicate this with citizen science sceptics at science and policy domains. The NEWSERA project The ClairCity project Think about communication and knowledge sharing strategies 27 28 29 30 Example 10: The NEWSERA project NEWSERA is a H2020 SwafS-19-funded project which aims to demonstrate that citizen science is the new paradigm of science communication. The focus of the pilot workshops is to define citizen science communication strategies addressed to engage citizens. The project thus showcases the virtues of citizen science as an inclusive, broad, and powerful science communication mechanism. NEWSERA established Labs where 38 citizen science initiatives co-design, implement and validate innovative strategies of science communication addressed to a specific stakeholder group from the quadruple helix model (academics, citizens, policy-makers, and industry). See the full project Example 11: The ClairCity project The ClairCity project sought to incorporate social psychological theories in air quality and carbon management and involved over 818,000 citizens across Europe in six case studies. The project identified demographic groups and social groups in their visuals and communications. It considers science communication as an essential element for the success of these types of projects. Tailored communications are particularly powerful, as they enhance credibility and emotional engagement to ensure the findings and insights reach the desired audience. The following graph showcases a social card distributed in Bristol, one of the case studies. See the full project